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  • Eckschrank_Kombination, Korpus/Front: Lack Bianco weiß, matt, Fronttyp: Q, Schenkelmaß: ca. 260 x 465 cm, best. aus: 1 x 50er Startelement (Q2121), 1 x 100er Anbauschrank (Q2221), 2 Türen und 4 Schubkästen, 1 x 100er Anbauecke (Q2211), 1 x 100er Anbauschrank (Q2280), 1 x Anbauregal in Lack matt (2040), 1 x 50er Anbauelement (Q2028), 1-türig, schräg, 2 x 80er Anbauschrank (Q2279). Zubehör: 2 x Tiefenkürzung (0823), 2 x Schrankabschrägung seitlich (0824).
  • How to assemble your favourite furniture

    Incomprehensible instructions or cryptic explanations and drawings: assembling furniture can cost you your time and sanity. After all, not all of us are skilled with our hands or have time to decipher unnecessarily complicated assembly instructions. It doesn’t have to be this way. We believe: we can do better! Here, you will find detailed assembly instructions for all Musterring ranges at a glance. Now you can assemble your new favourite piece of furniture quickly and safely.

    Planning information

    Planning information

    Here, you will find important planning information about our furniture, equipment and building connection technology.

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