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  • Polsterbett (2495-88-5000) in Stoff AURORA, Farbe: beige Nr. 02 (100 % Polyester), ca. B 196, H 90 (zzgl. Kissen), T 216 cm, Liegefläche ca. 180 x 200 cm, BSH 45 cm, Kopfteil glatt, belüfteter Bettkasten (Multilochung) und seitlich klappbarer Federholzrahmen, 28 Leisten mit 5-facher Härtegradverstellung, mit Mittelgurt und 5-facher Kopfteil-Rasterverstellung, inkl. Stoffhusse. Zubehör: 2er-Set Rückenkissen (2499-99-5000), LED-Beleuchtung (warmweiß) unter dem Bettkasten (2506-00-5000), 2 x 90 x 200 cm Matratzenset TTFK H2 und/oder H3 (3196-99-5000).
  • JUSTB! SC200
    Das Bett deiner Träume

    Did you know? The average German sleeps in the same bed for over 20 years—making it a true long-term relationship! We want you to enjoy every night you spend with your bed. That’s why, together with actress and TV host Bettina Zimmermann, we designed the JustB! SC200 upholstered bed. This model features a high-quality, sturdy frame with under-bed storage and a fabric cover. To elevate its look, choose cozy back cushions in various sizes and colors, or enjoy ambient LED lighting to set the perfect mood.

    Discover furniture with character

    Prices and further information on the bed JustB! SC200

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