Your work is done and all of a sudden, you hear it: your sofa is calling! Loud and clear. In the case of our MR 4580 series, no one will be able to resist the lure for long, because this stylish couch offers excellent comfort features and loads of space to relax. The perfect place to start your evening off in comfort!
Discover furniture with character
Do sofas have to be heavy and bulky? Not at all! Our MR 4580 sofa range proves there is another way. The entire construction of this upholstery system is based on a light design that, in combination with slender metal foot variants, ensures a nice relaxed look and even more floor space. The perfect choice for all those who prefer a straightforward interior style.
The MR 4580 sofa lets you finally show your true colours! Various fabric and leather covers in many different colour shades are just waiting to be discovered by you. Enabling you to find exactly the sofa design that suits you and your home! By the way: The back of the sofa is also upholstered, emphasising the high-quality look of this model. You should also take a look at the matching MR 4585 armchair.
The MR 4580 sofa range was designed with this in mind. The result: You can adjust the sofa perfectly to your body size via a manual seat depth and headrest adjustment. But that’s not all. The MR 4585 single armchair, which can be rotated 360 degrees, is also available from us and can be equipped with a rocking function for additional relaxation if desired. A chaiselongue, a stool and cosy cushions are also included with this popular sofa.
MR 4580 sofa
MR 4580 sofa
Plenty of room to relax
Make yourself at home! Our MR 4580 sofa range offers plenty of room to relax, without appearing bulky or oversized. On the contrary: the design is characterised by high floor clearance, creating a light aesthetic. You will love the comfort functions too – see for yourself!
Combine to suit your style
You are spoilt for choice. Whether leather or fabric, grey or red – you are the designer of your new favourite sofa. Find the cover you want from the comfort of your own home .

Life Line asphalt
Life Line asphalt

Life Line elephant
Life Line elephant

Life Line fango
Life Line fango

Life Line grey
Life Line grey

Life Line light grey
Life Line light grey

Dickleder Torero fango
Dickleder Torero fango

Dickleder Torero grey
Dickleder Torero grey

Dickleder Torero pearl
Dickleder Torero pearl

Dickleder Torero stone
Dickleder Torero stone

Dickleder Torero taupe
Dickleder Torero taupe

Mercury fango
Mercury fango

Mercury light grey
Mercury light grey

Mercury pearl
Mercury pearl

Cesano anthracite
Cesano anthracite

Cesano elephant
Cesano elephant

Cesano light grey
Cesano light grey

Cesano pearl
Cesano pearl

Life Line bianco
Life Line bianco

Life Line biscuit
Life Line biscuit

Life Line chocolate
Life Line chocolate

Life Line fango
Life Line fango

Life Line hazel
Life Line hazel

Life Line mocha
Life Line mocha

Life Line nougat
Life Line nougat

Life Line praline
Life Line praline

Dickleder Torero brandy
Dickleder Torero brandy

Dickleder Torero brown
Dickleder Torero brown

Dickleder Torero chestnut
Dickleder Torero chestnut

Dickleder Torero hazel
Dickleder Torero hazel

Dickleder Torero macchiato
Dickleder Torero macchiato

Dickleder Torero stone
Dickleder Torero stone

Mercury brandy
Mercury brandy

Mercury cognac
Mercury cognac

Mercury curcuma
Mercury curcuma

Mercury espresso
Mercury espresso

Mercury fango
Mercury fango

Mercury macchiato
Mercury macchiato

Cesano brandy
Cesano brandy

Cesano brown
Cesano brown

Cesano macchiato
Cesano macchiato

Cesano sand
Cesano sand

Life Line bianco
Life Line bianco

Life Line biscuit
Life Line biscuit

Life Line fango
Life Line fango

Dickleder Torero beige
Dickleder Torero beige

Dickleder Torero crema
Dickleder Torero crema

Dickleder Torero pearl
Dickleder Torero pearl

Dickleder Torero taupe
Dickleder Torero taupe

Mercury pearl
Mercury pearl

Cesano light grey
Cesano light grey

Cesano pearl
Cesano pearl

Cesano sand
Cesano sand

Life Line bianco
Life Line bianco

Life Line white
Life Line white

Dickleder Torero snow
Dickleder Torero snow

Life Line bordeaux
Life Line bordeaux

Life Line cherry
Life Line cherry

Life Line red
Life Line red

Dickleder Torero carmine red
Dickleder Torero carmine red

Mercury red
Mercury red

Life Line fango
Life Line fango

Dickleder Torero fango
Dickleder Torero fango

Dickleder Torero olive
Dickleder Torero olive

Mercury fango
Mercury fango

Mercury olive
Mercury olive

Cesano green
Cesano green

Life Line light grey
Life Line light grey

Mercury light grey
Mercury light grey

Life Line black
Life Line black

Dickleder Torero nero
Dickleder Torero nero

Mercury black
Mercury black

Dickleder Torero brandy
Dickleder Torero brandy

Mercury brandy
Mercury brandy

Mercury curcuma
Mercury curcuma

Cesano brandy
Cesano brandy

Dickleder Torero navy
Dickleder Torero navy

Mercury navy
Mercury navy

Mercury curcuma
Mercury curcuma

Bison anthracite
Bison anthracite

Bison grey
Bison grey

Cosmopolitan graphite
Cosmopolitan graphite

Cosmopolitan silver
Cosmopolitan silver

Style anthracite
Style anthracite

Style dark grey
Style dark grey

Style grey
Style grey

Style light grey
Style light grey

Style nature
Style nature

Style silver
Style silver

Texas anthracite
Texas anthracite

Texas grey
Texas grey

Texas silver
Texas silver

Texas stone
Texas stone

Texas taupe
Texas taupe

Trend anthracite
Trend anthracite

Trend grey
Trend grey

Trend platinum
Trend platinum

Trend purple grey
Trend purple grey

Trend silver
Trend silver

Trend stone
Trend stone

Vintage light grey
Vintage light grey

Vintage platinum
Vintage platinum

Vintage stone
Vintage stone

Famous anthracite
Famous anthracite

Famous grey
Famous grey

Famous stone
Famous stone

Florida anthracite
Florida anthracite

Florida dark grey
Florida dark grey

Florida grey
Florida grey

Florida light grey
Florida light grey

Florida stone
Florida stone

Florida anthracite
Florida anthracite

Free steel
Free steel

Free stone
Free stone

Matrix Diamond silver
Matrix Diamond silver

Matrix Diamond steel
Matrix Diamond steel

Matrix Diamond stone
Matrix Diamond stone

Matrix silver
Matrix silver

Matrix stone
Matrix stone

Melrose platinum
Melrose platinum

Melrose silver
Melrose silver

Melrose stone
Melrose stone

Melrose taupe
Melrose taupe

Mono anthracite
Mono anthracite

Mono grey
Mono grey

Mono light grey
Mono light grey

Mono taupe
Mono taupe

Roxbury anthracite
Roxbury anthracite

Roxbury grey
Roxbury grey

Roxbury light grey
Roxbury light grey

Roxbury steel
Roxbury steel

Roxbury taupe
Roxbury taupe

Twice beige
Twice beige

Twice blue grey
Twice blue grey

Twice dark grey
Twice dark grey

Twice grey
Twice grey

Twice light grey
Twice light grey

Twice sand
Twice sand

Arizona platinum
Arizona platinum

Arizona stone
Arizona stone

Arizona taupe
Arizona taupe

Craft blue grey
Craft blue grey

Craft silver
Craft silver

Craft stone
Craft stone

Craft taupe
Craft taupe

Crown anthracite
Crown anthracite

Crown caviar
Crown caviar

Crown silver
Crown silver

Crown steel
Crown steel

Crown stone
Crown stone

Deluxe anthracite
Deluxe anthracite

Deluxe grey
Deluxe grey

Deluxe steel
Deluxe steel

Easy Care anthracite
Easy Care anthracite

Easy Care grey
Easy Care grey

Easy Care light grey
Easy Care light grey

Easy Care platinum
Easy Care platinum

Easy Care stone
Easy Care stone

Easy Care taupe
Easy Care taupe

Havanna caviar
Havanna caviar

Havanna platinum
Havanna platinum

Picasso anthracite
Picasso anthracite

Picasso silver
Picasso silver

Prime anthracite
Prime anthracite

Prime blue grey
Prime blue grey

Prime platinum
Prime platinum

Prime silver
Prime silver

Prime taupe
Prime taupe

Velvet blue grey
Velvet blue grey

Velvet pearl
Velvet pearl

Velvet rosewood
Velvet rosewood

Velvet silver
Velvet silver

Velvet stone
Velvet stone

Yelda elephant
Yelda elephant

Yelda grey
Yelda grey

Yelda light grey
Yelda light grey

Yelda pearl
Yelda pearl

Yelda taupe
Yelda taupe

Cord dark grey
Cord dark grey

Cord grey
Cord grey

Cord light grey
Cord light grey

Feincord anthrazit
Feincord anthrazit

Feincord grau
Feincord grau

Feincord silber
Feincord silber

Matrix steel
Matrix steel

Loop silver
Loop silver

Loop stone
Loop stone

Picasso taupe
Picasso taupe

Velvet grey
Velvet grey

Velvet light grey
Velvet light grey

Bison brandy
Bison brandy

Bison chocolate
Bison chocolate

Bison espresso
Bison espresso

Bison macchiato
Bison macchiato

Bison nature
Bison nature

Cosmopolitan champagne
Cosmopolitan champagne

Cosmopolitan espresso
Cosmopolitan espresso

Style espresso
Style espresso

Style nature
Style nature

Style sand
Style sand

Texas cognac
Texas cognac

Texas nature
Texas nature

Texas stone
Texas stone

Trend chestnut
Trend chestnut

Trend coffee
Trend coffee

Trend stone
Trend stone

Vintage nature
Vintage nature

Vintage stone
Vintage stone

Famous stone
Famous stone

Florida chocolate
Florida chocolate

Florida espresso
Florida espresso

Florida saffron
Florida saffron

Florida stone
Florida stone

Free nature
Free nature

Free stone
Free stone

Matrix Diamond stone
Matrix Diamond stone

Matrix stone
Matrix stone

Melrose copper
Melrose copper

Melrose nature
Melrose nature

Melrose platinum
Melrose platinum

Melrose stone
Melrose stone

Mono nature
Mono nature

Mono taupe
Mono taupe

Roxbury espresso
Roxbury espresso

Twice espresso
Twice espresso

Twice nature
Twice nature

Twice rusty
Twice rusty

Twice sand
Twice sand

Arizona army
Arizona army

Arizona chocolate
Arizona chocolate

Arizona light brown
Arizona light brown

Arizona stone
Arizona stone

Arizona cinnamon
Arizona cinnamon

Craft copper
Craft copper

Craft mocha
Craft mocha

Craft stone
Craft stone

Crown curry
Crown curry

Crown espresso
Crown espresso

Crown fango
Crown fango

Crown nature
Crown nature

Crown stone
Crown stone

Deluxe espresso
Deluxe espresso

Deluxe light brown
Deluxe light brown

Deluxe choco
Deluxe choco

Easy care apple
Easy care apple

Easy Care mocha
Easy Care mocha

Easy Care stone
Easy Care stone

Havanna light brown
Havanna light brown

Havanna toffee
Havanna toffee

Picasso nature
Picasso nature

Prime coffee
Prime coffee

Prime nature
Prime nature

Prime taupe
Prime taupe

Velvet curry
Velvet curry

Velvet copper
Velvet copper

Velvet stone
Velvet stone

Yelda brown
Yelda brown

Yelda elephant
Yelda elephant

Yelda espresso
Yelda espresso

Yelda mocha
Yelda mocha

Yelda nature
Yelda nature

Cord taupe
Cord taupe

Picasso taupe
Picasso taupe

Bison espresso
Bison espresso

Bison macchiato
Bison macchiato

Bison nature
Bison nature

Cosmopolitan champagne
Cosmopolitan champagne

Style sand
Style sand

Texas taupe
Texas taupe

Trend sand
Trend sand

Trend snow
Trend snow

Vintage cream
Vintage cream

Florida beige
Florida beige

Free vanilla
Free vanilla

Matrix nature
Matrix nature

Matrix Diamond nature
Matrix Diamond nature

Melrose taupe
Melrose taupe

Mono nature
Mono nature

Mono taupe
Mono taupe

Roxbury taupe
Roxbury taupe

Twice beige
Twice beige

Twice nature
Twice nature

Twice sand
Twice sand

Arizona taupe
Arizona taupe

Craft taupe
Craft taupe

Easy Care taupe
Easy Care taupe

Easy Care white
Easy Care white

Picasso nature
Picasso nature

Picasso sand
Picasso sand

Prime taupe
Prime taupe

Velvet pearl
Velvet pearl

Velvet sand
Velvet sand

Yelda creme
Yelda creme

Yelda pearl
Yelda pearl

Yelda taupe
Yelda taupe

Bison olive
Bison olive

Style olive
Style olive

Texas olive
Texas olive

Vintage eucalyptus
Vintage eucalyptus

Famous olive
Famous olive

Famous sage
Famous sage

Free olive
Free olive

Free sage
Free sage

Matrix aqua
Matrix aqua

Matrix mint
Matrix mint

Matrix petrol
Matrix petrol

Matrix Diamond aqua
Matrix Diamond aqua

Matrix Diamond mint
Matrix Diamond mint

Matrix Diamond petrol
Matrix Diamond petrol

Melrose olive
Melrose olive

Mono mint
Mono mint

Twice aqua
Twice aqua

Arizona army
Arizona army

Arizona olive
Arizona olive

Arizona petrol
Arizona petrol

Craft olive
Craft olive

Crown olive
Crown olive

Easy care apple
Easy care apple

Easy Care olive
Easy Care olive

Easy Care petrol
Easy Care petrol

Picasso green
Picasso green

Picasso olive
Picasso olive

Picasso petrol
Picasso petrol

Velvet green
Velvet green

Velvet olive
Velvet olive

Velvet petrol
Velvet petrol

Velvet sage
Velvet sage

Velvet emerald
Velvet emerald

Feincord grün
Feincord grün

Feincord oliv
Feincord oliv

Loop green
Loop green

Cosmopolitan light blue
Cosmopolitan light blue

Style light blue
Style light blue

Trend berry
Trend berry

Trend ice blue
Trend ice blue

TREND light blue
TREND light blue

Trend navy
Trend navy

Vintage jeans
Vintage jeans

Vintage light blue
Vintage light blue

Florida deep ocean
Florida deep ocean

Florida light blue
Florida light blue

Matrix aqua
Matrix aqua

Matrix light blue
Matrix light blue

Matrix mint
Matrix mint

Matrix petrol
Matrix petrol

Matrix Diamond aqua
Matrix Diamond aqua

Matrix Diamond light blue
Matrix Diamond light blue

Matrix Diamond mint
Matrix Diamond mint

Matrix Diamond petrol
Matrix Diamond petrol

Mono mint
Mono mint

Roxbury deep ocean
Roxbury deep ocean

Twice aqua
Twice aqua

Twice blue grey
Twice blue grey

Arizona berry
Arizona berry

Arizona petrol
Arizona petrol

Craft blue grey
Craft blue grey

Craft jeans
Craft jeans

Easy Care dark blue
Easy Care dark blue

Easy Care light blue
Easy Care light blue

Easy Care petrol
Easy Care petrol

Picasso petrol
Picasso petrol

Prime blue grey
Prime blue grey

Velvet blue grey
Velvet blue grey

Velvet light blue
Velvet light blue

Velvet navy
Velvet navy

Velvet petrol
Velvet petrol

Yelda light blue
Yelda light blue

Yelda navy
Yelda navy

Cord light blue
Cord light blue

Cord petrol
Cord petrol

Cosmopolitan silver
Cosmopolitan silver

Style light grey
Style light grey

Style silver
Style silver

Texas silver
Texas silver

Trend platinum
Trend platinum

Trend silver
Trend silver

Vintage light grey
Vintage light grey

Vintage platinum
Vintage platinum

Famous silver
Famous silver

Florida light grey
Florida light grey

Free platinum
Free platinum

Free silver
Free silver

Matrix Diamond silver
Matrix Diamond silver

Matrix silver
Matrix silver

Melrose platinum
Melrose platinum

Melrose silver
Melrose silver

Mono light grey
Mono light grey

Roxbury silver
Roxbury silver

Twice light grey
Twice light grey

Arizona platinum
Arizona platinum

Arizona silver
Arizona silver

Craft silver
Craft silver

Crown silver
Crown silver

Easy Care light grey
Easy Care light grey

Easy Care platinum
Easy Care platinum

Havanna platinum
Havanna platinum

Picasso silver
Picasso silver

Prime platinum
Prime platinum

Prime silver
Prime silver

Velvet silver
Velvet silver

Feincord silber
Feincord silber

Loop silver
Loop silver

Style corn
Style corn

Florida saffron
Florida saffron

Roxbury yellow
Roxbury yellow

Easy Care yellow
Easy Care yellow

Prime yellow
Prime yellow

Velvet curry
Velvet curry

Style red
Style red

Trend berry
Trend berry

Trend red
Trend red

Florida red
Florida red

Melrose copper
Melrose copper

Roxbury red
Roxbury red

Twice rusty
Twice rusty

Arizona berry
Arizona berry

Craft copper
Craft copper

Crown curry
Crown curry

Easy Care dark red
Easy Care dark red

Velvet copper
Velvet copper

Velvet red
Velvet red

Trend berry
Trend berry

Trend purple grey
Trend purple grey

Melrose lilac
Melrose lilac

Arizona berry
Arizona berry

Velvet purple
Velvet purple

Velvet ultraviolet
Velvet ultraviolet

Trend snow
Trend snow

Easy Care white
Easy Care white

Cord snow
Cord snow

Feincord weiß
Feincord weiß

Loop white
Loop white

Vintage platinum
Vintage platinum

Melrose platinum
Melrose platinum

Craft gold
Craft gold

Velvet gold
Velvet gold

Vintage pink
Vintage pink

Free pink
Free pink

Matrix Diamond pink
Matrix Diamond pink

Matrix pink
Matrix pink

Melrose lilac
Melrose lilac

Easy Care rosewood
Easy Care rosewood

Picasso flamingo
Picasso flamingo

Picasso peach
Picasso peach

Velvet pink
Velvet pink

Velvet rosewood
Velvet rosewood

Cosmopolitan rosa
Cosmopolitan rosa

Cord rosa
Cord rosa

Feincord altrosa
Feincord altrosa

Florida saffron
Florida saffron

Crown curry
Crown curry

Picasso peach
Picasso peach

Velvet curry
Velvet curry

Arizona black
Arizona black

Easy Care black
Easy Care black

Havanna caviar
Havanna caviar

Picasso black
Picasso black

Velvet black
Velvet black

Yelda black
Yelda black

Loop black
Loop black

Cord dark grey
Cord dark grey

Cord nature
Cord nature

Feincord sand
Feincord sand

Loop nature
Loop nature

Loop sand
Loop sand

Movini anthrazit
Movini anthrazit

Movini silver
Movini silver

Movini brandy
Movini brandy

Movini cognac
Movini cognac

Movini espresso
Movini espresso

Movini fango
Movini fango

Movini oliv
Movini oliv

Nature brown
Nature brown

Nature cognac
Nature cognac

Nature dark brown
Nature dark brown

Nature macchiato
Nature macchiato

Nature green
Nature green

Nature grey
Nature grey

Nature macchiato
Nature macchiato
More information on the MR 4580 sofa
- Individual sofas
- Corner sofas
- Add-on sofas
- Chaise longues
- Foot variants
- Stools
- Cushions
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Our furniture transforms your house into a home.
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